Virtually tour our previous office at 51 Franklin Street
This is the front desk — when you arrive at the FSF, this will be the first thing you see.
This is where John, our executive director works.
This is the office of the systems team, Peabo, Bernie and Ward. At any time, there are usually computer pieces all over the place.
This is the kitchen. Even free software folks need to eat sometime.
We've won several awards over the years... take a moment to look at some of them, and flip through our scrapbooks.
This the conference room (complete with the Emacs logo on the glass) — this is where we meet, chat on the phone, and eat lunch together every day.
This is another shot of the systems team office, here you can see the preamble to the GPL on the glass.
If you order something from our store, this is where we prepare it for shipping...
...and this is our mammoth stock of t-shirts and GNU gear.
The back office has lots of exposed brick, complete with indecipherable coded messages from the building company.
We've never worked out what the company across the street from us actually does, but they seem to never notice people walking around our office in giant GNU heads, so it must be something interesting.