September 2013 - Biot, France - At Sophia Antipolis
RMS was at the Sophia Antipolis technological campus, in Biot, on September 19, to deliver his speech "A Free Digital Society," hosted by EURECOM, Telecom ParisTech, and SophiaTech Campus, to a diverse audience of students, local government officials, engineers, and researchers. Professor Ludovic Apvrille, from Telecom ParisTech's Communication and Electronics department, said that he hoped RMS's visit would be "followed by actions in Sophia-Antipolis, and more generally in France," and expressed his wish to see his school and students on a path to software freedom.
" "(Photos number 1 through 27 courtesy of EURECOM; 28 through 44, of Quentin Jacquemart; 45 through 49, of Ludovic Apvrille.)
Please fill out our contact form, so that we can inform you about future events in and around Biot and Paris, both of which RMS visited while he was in France, on his last trip.
Please see for a full list of all of RMS's confirmed engagements, and contact if you'd like him to come speak.
Thank you to Ludovic Apvrille, the team who helped him run the booth, and EURECOM director Ulrich Finger, who introduced RMS before his talk, for helping make this event possible!