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Special session on OpenDocument is coming: Make your voice heard

by Matt Lee Contributions Published on Nov 18, 2005 06:30 PM

The Economic Stimulus Bill is now before the Joint Committee on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies, and they have gone into an informal session, to try and reconcile the two versions of the bill that have been separately approved by the House and Senate.

We expect that the Legislature will return for a special session on December 19th or 20th to consider the economic stimulus bill, so we believe that is the deadline by which you should send your comments.

Listed below are the politicians working to reconcile the two bills. Please write to them immediately.

Sending a paper letter is most effective, followed by making a phone call, sending a FAX, and writing an e-mail. Whichever method you choose, please e-mail us a copy at <>, so that we can post a selection of comments here. If you write and save your letter in OpenDocument format, don't forget to mention that to them.

If you live in Massachusetts please also write to your own Senator and Representative, regardless of whether or not they are on this committee. You can get their name and contact information here:

Massachusetts State House Representatives:

Representative Daniel E. Bosley
State House Room 42
Boston, Massachusetts 02133
Telephone: 617-722-2370
Fax: 617-722-2231
E-mail: <Rep.DanielBosley@Hou.State.MA.US>

Representative Robert A. Deleo
State House Room 243
Boston, Massachusetts 02133
Telephone: 617-722-2990
Fax: 617-626-0299
E-mail: <>

Representative Bradford Hill
State House Room 542
Boston, MA 02133
Telephone: 617-722-2489
E-mail: <Rep.BradHill@Hou.State.MA.US>

Massachusetts State Senators:

Senator Jack Hart
State House Room 109-C
Boston, Massachusetts 02133
Telephone: 617-722-1150
Fax: 617-722-2191
E-mail: <>

Senator Steven C. Panagiotakos
State House Room 218
Boston, Massachusetts 02133
Telephone: 617-722-1630
E-mail: <>

Senator Richard R. Tisei
State House Room 313-C
Boston, Massachusetts 02133
Telephone: 617-722-1206
Fax: 617-722-1063
E-mail: <>

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