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Recap of Friday Free Software Directory IRC meetup: September 5

by Joshua Gay Contributions Published on Sep 05, 2014 07:00 PM
Join the FSF and friends every Friday to help improve the Free Software Directory by adding new entries and updating existing ones.

Today's Friday Free Software Directory IRC Meeting was both productive and comedic. While some of us were working hard updating and adding new entries to the Directory, others were keeping us fully entertained by debating software freedom in the context of UFOs and other alien spacecraft.

Two highlights from today's meeting are packages from a new contributor, Tsyesika:

  • PyPump: an interface to the API's. The aim of this project is to provide very natural Pythonic representations of Notes, Images, People, etc., so as to allow you to painlessly interact with them. It is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL version 3 (or at your option, any later version).

  • Inboxen, an email program that provides protection, via virtual inboxes. It is licensed under GNU AGPL version 3 (or at your option, any later version).

In addition to maintenance work and adding some new semantic property values and categories, we also published updates to a number of existing packages, including: TappyTux, State Machine Compiler, Psi, PrimaGIS, Moodle, Liferea, GNU HaliFAX, Ggcov, GShow TV, Fwlogwatch, Empathy, BirdFont, Bibfilex, Bayonne, and AudioMove.

As far as we know all of the packages in the Free Software Directory were created by humans on planet Earth.

You, too, can join in on the fun. Find out how to attend our Friday Free Software Directory IRC Meetings by checking our blog or subscribing to the RSS feed.

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