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Psychological care should grant you freedom and protection

by Miriam Bastian Contributions Published on Jan 07, 2025 12:15 PM
The rise of proprietary parenting apps promising to improve mental health is concerning. Psychological care should grant you all the freedoms and protection you deserve!
Psychological care should grant you freedom and protection

Two parents holding the hand of their baby in the middle.

"Imagine an AI parenting companion that's always in your corner – ready to answer questions or talk about how you're feeling at any time of the day (or night)," posts one of the authors from the venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, who writes about large language models (LLM) and machine-learning companies, and seems to think this is a bright vision. More accurately, this is a nightmare when the app is proprietary and the company collects your data like Mamatech LTD does with its app Soula.

Soula claims to be the "first ethical AI in maternity" and "to empower women to flourish as individuals and mothers." While it's debatable if software is the right solution here (I personally think we need more human support), I fully agree with the founder of Soula that we need to support pregnant and postpartum parents much more! Therefore, it would be fabulous to have a truly ethical software that helps parents find information and advice in difficult phases during pregnancy and parenthood.

If Soula really does a job as important as it promises to do, empowering "women to flourish as individuals and mothers," it is even more essential that it grants its users software freedom, i.e. the freedom to run, modify, copy, and share the software. Don't you agree that all parents should be able to benefit from the help that Soula promises? Shouldn't they be able to use it whenever, wherever, and however they see fit and to share it with other caregivers who can also be supported by it? And shouldn't researchers be able to study what the machine learning application does, refine it, and adapt it for similarly important use cases? The problem, besides the question of how sensible it is to rely on a machine learning application that, contrary to its description, "AI" is not intelligent at all, is that the app used to communicate with the LLM is proprietary.

Proprietary software takes away your freedom to run, modify, copy, and share the program and instead gives the developers and the company that owns the software power over its users. In the case of Soula, its terms of use prohibit the user from modifying or reverse engineering the app. They state that "you may not copy, store, modify, distribute, transmit, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from ... software or code obtained from the App (Website) without our prior express written consent which may be withheld for any or no reason." In addition, the access to the app and therefore to the service is revocable and you may not share it. On top of that Mamatech LTD, the company that owns Soula, collects sensitive data of parents in their most vulnerable moments. This is unethical, no matter how ethical the founder's intention may be!

Data-hungry LLMs

With more than 100k users, Soula is a popular choice for investment companies looking for opportunities to make money. The service is based on ChatGPT-3, one of the LLMs described as "so data-hungry and intransparent that we have even less control over what information about us is collected, what it is used for, and how we might correct or remove such personal information," by Jennifer King, the author of the white paper Rethinking privacy in the AI era: Policy provocations for a data-centric world. It was for the same reasons that the Italian data protection authority temporarily banned ChatGPT in 2023, after having scrutinized ChatGPT's data practices. In March 2023, a simple bug even led to descriptions of conversations being disclosed to other users by ChatGPT's chat history.

Soula registers your menstruation cycle, sexual activities, and mental well-being

Soula itself explicitly processes personal data for commercial interest according to its privacy policy: "...we analyze[s] users' behavior on our services to operate advertising and marketing campaigns, to measure their effectiveness." And the amount of data that this app collects is immense! The data collected ranges from the users' date of birth, menstruation cycle, sexual activities, and physical and mental well-being to the messages they write to the chatbot. If collecting such sensitive data was not enough, Soula also surrenders this sensitive information to other companies such as Amplitude, Inc., Firebase, and of course, OpenAI.

For US residents, the use of proprietary software for psychological care and the tracking of your period or pregnancy is especially delicate because US authorities can subpoena your sensitive data from Soula. When registering, you have to provide the city and the state of your residence. If you live in a state that bans abortion after a certain length of gestation and you decide to (or must for medical reasons) end your pregnancy, the information you revealed while using Soula or a similar app can be used against you in criminal courts. Even if the app has been deleted, any user data already entered can be requested from Soula for legal proceedings.

Proprietary mental health and parenting apps are on the rise

Soula is just one of several apps on the rise in the sector of psychological care and parenting. Other examples of mental health apps are Youper, BetterHelp, Woebot,, and Talkspace, all of which come with the same issues of running on nonfree apps and in terms of privacy infringements some are even worse than Soula. Other companies, like Cradlewise and Nanit, see profit in catering to parents. Their baby monitors tell you if your child is breathing and even rock the crib for you. Think twice before you entrust these companies with caring for your baby or your intimate thoughts, which aren't so private if disclosed to one of these corporations.

Call To Action

We strongly recommend not using Soula, Youper, BetterHelp or any other related proprietary apps for psychological care or as a daily journal. Instead, we recommend the use of local, free apps (like a journaling program), good old paper journals, talking to your friends, and seeking in-person help from psychologists and doctors. Should we be so quick to rely on software made by a for-profit corporation to improve mental health? Don't we rather need decent psychological care and people around us who support us? If you live in a country where it is difficult to get an appointment with a doctor or psychologist we recommend that you appeal to your government to improve the health care system so that people don't need to give up their freedom and privacy to companies like Mamatech LTD. Soula and the like may seem convenient, but it's not worth losing your freedom. Remember: you are worthy of all the privacy you want and need! And you are worthy of the four freedoms!

The FSF is currently having its year-end fundraiser. Donate to help us reach our fundraising goal of USD $400,000 and to conduct research and write articles like this to educate users about their rights and about the pitfalls of proprietary software and other infringements on user freedom!

Yours in freedom,

Miriam Bastian
Program Manager

Parents and their baby. © 2015, sheldonl. Licensed under [Creative Commons 1.0 Universal [23] license.

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