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Message from president Geoff Knauth: Free software is powerful because of you!

by Geoff Knauth Contributions Published on Dec 30, 2024 05:18 PM

This year-end, we want you to take a moment to consider all the different ways in which free software can help us get to a freer, more just digital society. Our fundraising goal is $400,000, and we are only 25% away from reaching it! We need your support, and any contribution is valuable. This is a great reason to speak to your neighbors and loved ones about free software. We need to secure the funds to defend the four freedoms and educate others about them.

By donating to us today, you help secure a free future, one in which everyone will be able to learn in freedom and will know their rights as a user. You can also advocate for user freedom by convincing just one person to join the Free Software Foundation (FSF). Any contribution will count towards achieving our goals.

Below is a message from our president, Geoffrey Knauth, reflecting on the FSF's mission to protect software users everywhere.

Public discourse in 2024 included such themes as: Will democracies survive? Is the 21st century becoming one of dictators and oligarchs? Does might make right? Do people care about human rights? What are humans doing to the Earth? And each other? Are we good stewards of all that has been given to us?

Many of us bury our heads in the sand. But it reminds me of something I learned more than forty years ago, when I was young and in college. At first I despaired, because I was paying too much attention to the people who drew away the light from others, the wealthy, the powerful, the self-obsessed, the people who wanted to be seen. It got me down. Then halfway through, I realized that the great majority of people around me were very nice people, individuals from all backgrounds, quietly working hard and doing great things. I finished college much happier than when I started.

The world of free software is decentralized by design. It is not about egos, domination, market capture, or subtraction and division. It is addition and multiplication, paying it forward and doing the right thing again and again for people so that they are empowered forever to have computing freedom, to learn from the good and the best, and to share creations for the benefit of others. That is what makes free software powerful. It is you. You are powerful. You have these rights. At the Free Software Foundation (FSF), the reason we exist is to protect those rights and freedoms for you against any forces in this world that would whittle them away slowly or just take them from you outright.

We are grateful for the steady support of associate members and contributions of donors who allow our staff to work hard so that your computing will enjoy expanding freedom for the benefit of all future generations, not just our own. Freedom is not a value measured on a quarterly spreadsheet: it has an advancing time scale measured in centuries of solid gains or losses. A membership doesn't cost that much financially, but it helps immensely to keep freedom moving forward!

There is a lot of work currently being done at the FSF to evaluate current trends in machine learning, always with an eye to make sure that your individual rights are protected and you remain in control. Much computing is done around you that could determine how much power you have in your own life. You, the individual, must remain in charge of how new technologies are used. You must remain in charge of determining whether computing that is done using details about you and your work is permissible, advantageous or harmful. FSF partners with sister organizations that are just as concerned about preserving your rights as we are.

There is increased legal work being done because of all the new developments that could become threats to your freedom. FSF works to identify these threats to your rights and to protect your freedoms. I thank those who have assigned free software copyright to the FSF and for trusting us to keep the software you create free.

In 2024, we have made good progress. We have added three new board members this year, and are reviewing existing board members, with the goal being good and responsible governance of the FSF that safeguards its values. Soon, we'll be publishing an article on anchoring our values that will elaborate further on this.

The staff has done a lot of work on the free software directory. We have more than 17,000 packages, and with more volunteers and submissions we hope to index all free software.

This year will be the fortieth anniversary of the FSF. Be on the lookout for an auction coming up, a global member meetup in May, and an in-person celebration in October.

The bulk of my praise is for you, the people who create free software or documentation, or who promote and support free software in ways big and small. Most of you are unsung heroes, but without you we would be nothing. We are here together because of you and the vastness of your collective contributions. Thank you!

I also want to thank the FSF staff for their tireless work, and thank the board for its time commitment to worthwhile discussions of the issues that shape our present and our future.

How do we deal with the world around us? Be of good cheer. "Don't let the turkeys get you down," as they say. Remember who you are. Do you remember The Wizard of Oz? "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!" said Oz as he tried to distract Dorothy, who had figured out what was really going on. In a similar vein, I hope in the new year, instead of being absorbed into anyone's attempt to rewrite your daily life, you can cheerfully stand where you want to be, write your own script, look around you, and draw strength from the people around you who share your values and will help you stay free and freethinking.

Be well and be free,

Geoff Knauth

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