2008 Associate Members Meeting Schedule
Follow the links for recordings of the presentations. All recordings are shareable under the Creative Commons BY-ND 3.0 license.
09:15-10:00 Breakfast, registration, and gpg key signing
10:00-10:25 Peter Brown, Executive Director, "Welcome"
10:25-10:55 Joshua Gay and Matt Lee, Campaigns Managers, "Campaigns in 2008"
10:55-11:25 John Sullivan, Manager of Operations, "Renters Can be Choosers"
11:25-11:40 Break
11:40-12:10 Joshua Ginsberg, Senior System Administrator, "The Zen of the Hacker"
12:10-13:00 Ben Klemens, "End Software Patents"
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:50 Benjamin Mako Hill, FSF board member, "Freedom and Web Services"
14:50-15:20 Henri Poole, FSF board member, "Hollywood and Free Software"
15:20-15:35 Break
15:35-16:00 Brett Smith, Compliance Engineer, "Free Software Licensing - V3 update"
16:00:17:40 Members Forum - panel led by Richard Stallman
17:40-18:00 Free Software Awards Ceremony
18:30 Dinner ($) at the Middle East, 480 Massachusetts Ave.