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Free software is an important building block to a free society

by Miriam Bastian Contributions Published on Nov 07, 2024 10:56 AM

The FSF is almost exclusively powered by associate member dues and contributions averaging $46.22 USD. Can you join the thousands of free software enthusiasts who support us financially?

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Free software makes up the building blocks to so many things and is an important tool for building and sustaining a free society. You can use free software to build programs that work for you, combine things as you wish, and share these building blocks with others. In a free society and with technology being all over, everyone should have these essential freedoms. This is why the Free Software Foundation (FSF) has published and promoted free software licenses since 1985, sponsors the GNU System, and campaigns for free software adoption everywhere.

Powered by member dues and donations, the FSF can only continue to be a core pillar of software freedom with your support. Build a better world with us -- join the thousands of free software enthusiasts who support us financially with individual contributions averaging $46.22 USD.

The FSF can only continue to be the cornerstone of a more just digital society with the support of the community. Share this message using the hashtag #CornerstoneOfAFreeSociety on social media networks.

Your contribution funds:

Here are some examples what we've recently been working on:

Freedom in machine learning applications Advising the US government on machine learning Campaigning against Microsoft and for GNU/Linux
Free Software Outreach Guide Expanding the FSF board Educating about confusing licenses

Receive a unique gift

Donate $140 USD or more, or join as an associate member by January 17, 2025, and we will send you a set of five unique postcards which will help you promote computer user freedom. As free software supporter Yvo Brasseur explains: "140 Euro is 0,38 Euro/ day and 2,69 Euro/week... I can't have a beer for that in Belgium."

Mock-up of five postcards. Two postcards show a person using Blender or LibreOffice, one postcard shows two guys fixing a computer, the fourth postcard asks: 'Do you ever feel like someone's watching you?' and the fifth says: 'free software. free society'

Donate $500 USD or more by January 17, 2025, and you'll get an embroidered, one-of-a-kind "I love free software" cap to keep for yourself or gift to a loved one!

Mock-up of a gray cap with 'I love fs' embroidered on the front and '' on the side.

Why other people support the FSF financially

  • "I want this world to be free and secure by default." -- Johannes Randerath
  • "I believe free software is key to building a free society. I'm eager to learn how to get rid of all the proprietary software I use nowadays!" -- Manuel Bustillo
  • "My friend and I debated the most utilitarian use of $20 and the FSF came out on top." -- Cassidy Prather
  • "To support a cause that I believe in." -- John Williams
  • "I am absolutely tired of having my privacy violated." -- Benjamin Bennett
  • "I want to get in touch with like-minded people and promote the spread of free software to a wider audience." -- Jakub Švarc
  • "To support the GNU project and all its awesome tools." -- Spenser Pulleyking
  • "Enthusiasm for the development and use of free software." -- Léo Gillet
  • "The world does not realise enough how important your work is for the future. And 140 Euro is 0,38 Euro/ day and 2,69 Euro/week... I can't have a beer for that in Belgium." -- Yvo Brasseur
  • "I also want to give back to the people who have greatly helped enable the technology we enjoy today." -- Chris Duncan

Share why you support the FSF with the hashtag #CornerstoneOfAFreeSociety, or email us at

Spread the free software message using these images

A boy drawing his future self and dreams with GIMP.

A boy creating a super hero with Blender

A girl writing text in LibreOffice

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