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You are here: Home FSF Appeals 2023-fall

Free software, free society, free education!

by Miriam Bastian Contributions Published on Nov 08, 2023 09:58 AM
Free software, free society, free education!

Free software, free society, free education! Donate to fuel our advocacy for free software in education.

January 18, 2024: We officially made our fundraiser stretch goal! We called for your help, and you answered our call: Thanks to your generosity, we raised more than $425,000 during this year-end fundraiser. We are immensely grateful to all of you who helped us get there!

A very warm welcome to all new associate members who joined the community during this membership drive. Thank you for your support for free software!

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Free software, free society, free education!

We can only learn in freedom if the software we use is free. Your donation helps us bring free software to schools, universities, and every learner around the world, thereby protecting not only each learner's freedom, but also educating everybody on the importance of free software. What better way is there to learn about free software than by using it? Free software in education is vital for a free society. Together, we can build a future in which everyone will be able to learn in freedom and will know their rights as a user.

Invest in a free future by donating to the FSF today!

Share the message using the hashtag #LearnLibre on social media networks.

Invest in a free future by donating to the FSF today

Please consider supporting our work by making a donation, becoming an associate member, or gifting an associate membership to a loved one. You will help us reach our goal of collecting $425,000 and thereby support us in bringing free software to every learner around the world.

If you start an annual associate membership or contribute $140 or more as a donation we'll send you an exclusive drawstring bag to show off your support for user rights.

Mock-up of a black drawstring bag with the words fight for your user rights written on it

By donating to the FSF, you:

Foster free software projects Show your support for free software Support educational campaigns Fund the Free Software Directory Sponsor critical infrastructure Maintain community resources Get ultra cool benefits Boost our licensing education

Thanks to your overwhelming support the FSF met the matching challenge in less than three days!

You are amazing! To inspire your giving, generous supporters like Brewster Kahle and Cristian Frâncu had offered to triple every donation, up to $15,500, made between Tuesday, December 12 and Thursday, December 14. This means that, with our donors' match, if you donated $5 to the FSF, we got $15 in total. If you donated $1,000, the FSF received $3,000! But only because YOU made the goal of $15,500 before Thursday, December 14, 23:59 EST (04:59 UTC on December 15). Thank you for your unwavering support! You helped us raise a total of $46,500 in contributions and matching gifts. We hope to keep the momentum going, so that we also reach the year-end fundraiser goal of $375,000 by December 31.

Why do other people support the FSF?

  • "I have a strong belief that all software and knowledge should be free to everyone." -- Anonymous
  • "I value the software and advocacy made by the fsf." -- Alex Aguayo
  • "I am absolutely tired of having my privacy violated." -- Benjamin Bennett
  • "Free software allowed me to learn and become the man I am today. I strongly believe in the right for everyone to experience what I experienced in my life." -- Mohammad Aijaz
  • "I believe in the four freedoms." -- Terry Deckard
  • "I wanted to support the Free Software Foundation's work for our freedom." -- Anton McClure
  • "To support the GNU project and all its awesome tools." -- Spenser Pulleyking
  • "I've been using GNU/Linux and believe strongly in free software. I want to support the ideas I believe in." -- Paul Spielmann
  • "I want to get in touch with like-minded people and promote the spread of free software to a wider audience." -- Jakub Švarc
  • "GPL & AGPL." -- Anonymous
  • "I believe the FSF's work is extremely important and free software is more important now than ever." -- Anonymous
  • "I also want to give back to the people who have greatly helped enable the technology we enjoy today." -- Chris Duncan
  • "I love GNU/Linux!" -- Kyle Moore

Share your reason with the hashtag #LearnLibre, or email us at

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