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How to contact the Free Software Foundation:

Are you a member of the press? Visit our Press Information page.

Free Software Foundation
31 Milk Street, # 960789
Boston, MA 02196

As of September 1, 2024, we are operating remotely.

Telephone: +1-617-542-5942 (Individual phone extensions at the FSF)

Fax: +1-617-542-2652

General email:

To donate by check: mail to the address above. The FSF can accept Canadian checks; please ask your bank to add a corresponding US bank on the check so that we don't get charged fees for depositing it. If you plan to donate in any other currency, please contact for details on how to make a transfer from a foreign bank account. If it is a directed donation (e.g. for a sponsored project like Replicant), please write that on the memo line of the check. See more ways to donate to the FSF here.

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